Half of a diptych installed in the Children’s section at Half Price N. Lamar in Austin, TX.
4’ x 8’ Acrylic on Panel

Half of a diptych installed in the Children’s section at Half Price N. Lamar in Austin, TX. 4’ x 8’ Acrylic on Panel

A restrained palette can be so evocative. This mural echoes the wild nature of its greenhouse surroundings with an overlapping composition bursting forth from a green ring and a stark color story to pull focus to the contrast of value.

A tiny paper typewriter, for when your gorgeous thoughts can’t wait.

A printable sheet to fold up a tiny typewriter. It may serve you well.

Mockup for a CBD company.

Poster for International Poets Austin event circa 2018

A truly delightful event to host and promote. I was inspired by a campaign from a famous candy company to create this nasty thing.

Character study of a cat riding a bike. Made in After Effects.

Poster graphic for our call for art at HPB. I was working on including the sales of local-designed pins and patches as part of the store’s consignment program.

Every month I draw up a calendar of events for Half Price Books N Lamar with an accompanying sign to advertise the calendar. I wanted to avoid the typical trappings of October imagery, and instead opt for something that represents the essence of fall in central Texas: dark drives across overpasses joined by a misty moon.

This blocky blood-sucker would fit well on a Halloween greeting card. It was especially fun to draw those hands. I think they communicate a very, “Who, Me?” kind of vibe. Yes, you, Vector Vampire!

Cheko’s is one of my favorite taquerias in Austin. They have a bangin’ combo plate. Their branding is ancient, though, and I wanted to update their logo.

Shirley Jackson, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley, and Stephen King. Four titans of horror. I illustrated these paper dolls for a Halloween-era promotion for HPB in 2019.

Half of a diptych installed in the Children’s section at Half Price N. Lamar in Austin, TX.
4’ x 8’ Acrylic on Panel
Half of a diptych installed in the Children’s section at Half Price N. Lamar in Austin, TX. 4’ x 8’ Acrylic on Panel
A restrained palette can be so evocative. This mural echoes the wild nature of its greenhouse surroundings with an overlapping composition bursting forth from a green ring and a stark color story to pull focus to the contrast of value.
A tiny paper typewriter, for when your gorgeous thoughts can’t wait.
A printable sheet to fold up a tiny typewriter. It may serve you well.
Mockup for a CBD company.
Poster for International Poets Austin event circa 2018
A truly delightful event to host and promote. I was inspired by a campaign from a famous candy company to create this nasty thing.
Character study of a cat riding a bike. Made in After Effects.
Poster graphic for our call for art at HPB. I was working on including the sales of local-designed pins and patches as part of the store’s consignment program.
Every month I draw up a calendar of events for Half Price Books N Lamar with an accompanying sign to advertise the calendar. I wanted to avoid the typical trappings of October imagery, and instead opt for something that represents the essence of fall in central Texas: dark drives across overpasses joined by a misty moon.
This blocky blood-sucker would fit well on a Halloween greeting card. It was especially fun to draw those hands. I think they communicate a very, “Who, Me?” kind of vibe. Yes, you, Vector Vampire!
Cheko’s is one of my favorite taquerias in Austin. They have a bangin’ combo plate. Their branding is ancient, though, and I wanted to update their logo.
Shirley Jackson, Edgar Allan Poe, Mary Shelley, and Stephen King. Four titans of horror. I illustrated these paper dolls for a Halloween-era promotion for HPB in 2019.